3 minutes
Life’s Meaning: Fulfilling our Purpose until Jesus Returns
It is a question that we hear often: How do I fulfill life’s meaning until Jesus returns? How can I live purposefully?
Hope of the Resurrection
What does it mean to have a hope of the resurrection? How does that hope influence how you live?
God’s silence is not His absence
How much is your faith dependent on what God has done? If God does nothing in your life – never performs a miracle, never provides for you in difficult circumstances, never answers your prayers – do you still believe? God's silence is not His absence. In Matthew...
What is True Freedom?
In our society today, most people believe that freedom is the ability to do whatever one desires. This is true of both secular and religious people. We might call this type of freedom, “free will.” We believe that we are not limited in our activities; our freedom, our...
The Blessings of God
Which one of us does not desire to receive the blessings of God? Of course, every living person would want that. Yet, is there anything we can do to receive the blessings of God? Does God simply bless those He chooses or do the eyes of the Lord go to and fro...